J & D Civil Engineers, LLC is now J & D Site Designs LLC. www.jdsitedesigns.com

(860) 923-2920

Thompson, CT

Residential Development – Heritage Pine Estates – Putnam, CT

J&D provides civil engineering services for a wide range of residential construction projects. We have experience with projects of all sizes, including single family houses, multi-family houses, and subdivisions. We can provide you with the design and permitting of:

Septic Systems

  • Survey, Design and Stake out
    • Survey of property, draft the plan, and evaluate alternate designs
    • Design of septic system including elevations at tank and leaching field
    • Design of pump chamber if required
    • Ensure compliance with the Health Code
    • Very familiar with new construction, repair, and expansion of septic systems

Residential Home or Building Construction

  • House or Building Construction
    • Perform grading and design drainage
    • Design driveways and determine sight lines
    • Ensure compliance with local zoning regulations
    • Design erosion control measures
    • Draft plans and provide construction details

Simple Structures

  • Design of retaining walls, beams, columns, etc.

Residential Project List

  • Site Plan for Septic System Repair – Thompson, CT
    • Performed all engineering for septic system repair on Quaddick Reservoir
  • Site Plan for New Home Construction – Putnam, CT
    • Performed all engineering for a new house, septic, driveway, and pool
  • Marianapolis Monastery – Thompson, CT
    • Designed a large multifamily septic system
  • Fox Grove Condos – Putnam, CT
    • 18 unit condominium association
    • Performed all site engineering and permitting, including road and drainage design
  • Brookside Estates – Killingly, CT
    • 20 lot subdivision
    • Performed all site engineering, including road and drainage design and sewer connections

Residential Permitting

The permit process can be complicated. Typically you will need approval from Northeast District Department of Health  (NDDH) (for the septic system), Inland Wetlands (even if there are no wetlands on site) and zoning compliance from the Town.  With these in place you can apply for a building permit. Let us help you through this process – done in the proper order it will expedite construction of your home.

Let us assume you have an approved building lot.  This presumes that test pits have been dug and a perc test done.

The first thing you will need is existing conditions plan.  This will require a topographic survey, which we can perform.  Wetlands may need to be flagged  by a soil scientist and we will locate them and show them on the plan.

From this plan we will perform engineering including the location of your proposed house, well, septic system, driveway and grading.  This is called a site development plan and is used to get the necessary permits you will need. 

Once the site development plan is complete the approval process is as follows:

  1. Submit plan to NDDH for approval. They will issue a letter approving the plan (but not a permit to construct.)
  2. Submit plan to Inland Wetlands
  3. Submit plan to town zoning department
  4. Obtain foundation/building permit from building department
  5. Your contractor will then obtain a permit to construct from NDDH and coordinate the appropriate inspections with them
  6. You or your contractor will contact us for a stake out of the proposed foundation, well and septic system
  7. Before the septic system is covered, you or your contractor will contact us for an as built plan. This is required by NDDH and the town before a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) can be issued

Other Issues

  • If your lot is on a State Road, Department of Transportation (DOT) approval is required.
  • If the lot is raw land that has not been previously perced, we advise that you contact us first so that we can perform the existing conditions survey prior to digging test pits.  This will insure that test pits are dug in the correct location.
  • If you are splitting off a piece of land, this is called subdivision.  All of the above steps are required, plus the plan will have to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval.