Conceptual Design
J & D worked with LLB Architects and the Town to analyze various alternates for constructing a new Putnam Municipal Complex. The town wanted to combine several municipal functions (town hall, library community center and historical society) under one roof at a central location. Owen Tarr Park was owned by the Town and centrally located but was restricted by a DEEP covenant, which had to be replicated elsewhere in Town. In addition the site was bisected by an old municipal sewer interceptor line which could not be relocated.
Final Design
J & D performed final design for the site, including water, sewer, parking, and storm water management using Low Impact Development Techniques (LID). Construction documents were prepared for bidding purposes and local permits obtained.
J & D performed construction stake out for the site contractor, Gerber Construction of Ellington, CT and Down to Earth Gardening and Design of Putnam.
Pavement markings and curb stops in place Bio-retention area for storm water treatment Informational sign explaining the treatment process EV charging station and library